News & Useful Information
New Publication: The development of the Promoting First Relationships home visiting program and caregivers’ comments about their experiences across four RCT studies
Promoting First Relationships (PFR) is an evidence-based home-visiting program for caregivers and their children from birth to age 5 years. It focuses on caregiver–child interaction, attachment, and relationship quality using video feedback of unedited recordings to...
PFR® is on the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse
Promoting First Relationships® is now an approved prevention program on the Federal Prevention Services Clearinghouse for the Family First Prevention Services Act. This act allows states to use federal funding to pay for services that help children remain safely...
Learn how this family is using Promoting First Relationships
Learn how this family is using Promoting First Relationships (PFR), to build up the emotional health between child and caregiver, as a way to help set the mold for a secure and trusting relationship. “This is really where the meat of human relationships is, and this...
PFR® now eligible for MIECHV funding!
Our Promoting First Relationships® (PFR) Home Visiting Intervention is now approved by the Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness (HomVEE) review and is eligible for Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) funding. This new opportunity gives...
Free Webinar: Exploring the Science of Connection Behind Promoting First Relationships with Dr. Monica Oxford
Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network offered a free webinar, "Exploring the Science of Connection Behind Promoting First Relationships" WATCH VIDEO HERE Webinar Description and Objectives: Promoting First Relationships ® (PFR: Kelly et al., 2008)...
New Promoting First Relationships Preview video!
Watch our new Promoting First Relationships promotion video and share with an interested friend. WATCH NOW
National Center for Children in Poverty profiles Promoting First Relationships in Pediatric Primary Care
Since 2016, a growing number of pediatricians in Washington State have been trained on Promoting First Relationships in Pediatric Primary Care (PFR-PPC), a manualized program for pediatricians to help them support stable and secure relationships between parents and...
Mothers who were considered at risk of postnatal depression were found to benefit from Promoting First Relationships®
A new study published in Developmental Psychology shows a brief home visiting program Promoting First Relationships®, effectively supports caregiving practices of mothers who received mental health treatment during pregnancy and were at an increased risk of postnatal...
The Durable Feeling That a Child Is Always at Risk
An incredible story by Dr. Rachael Pearson. Toward the end of the article she addresses how Promoting First Relationships® has helped her work from a strengths based approach as a pediatrician, how she has embraced the concept of "wondering" with parents, and thinking...
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