Level 3:  Agency Trainer Training – By Invitation Only

What will be covered during Level 3 Agency Trainer Training?
  • During the first 3 weeks, participants will view parent-child observation videos to hone observation skills and practice applying PFR concepts. Additional readings will cover topics in attachment, understanding children’s behavior through a social-emotional lens, and providing reflective consultation. Participants will meet weekly with their PFR master trainer to discuss this content.
  • During the next 10 weeks, participants will receive weekly online mentoring as they intervene with a 2nd caregiver/ child dyad at their own site. Learners will increase skills in providing PFR intervention as they gain experience with an additional dyad. Providers will record themselves doing a full PFR session with the caregiver/child to pass a second fidelity video in order to become a Certified PFR Agency Trainer.
  • Agency Trainers will receive 2 sessions after completing their second family to prepare them to train others within their agency.
  • Following the initial 15 weeks of Level 3 training, Agency Trainers will participate in monthly group reflective consultation facilitated by a PFR Master Trainer to support them as they train and mentor others within their organization.
  • Successful completion of Level 2 Certified Provider training, including high fidelity assessment score, and invitation to participate in Level 3 training
  • Agreement to PFR Agency Trainer Guidelines (link to a pdf with Agency Trainer Guidelines and Costs)
  • $2500 per person for 15 weeks of Level 3 training. Includes initial Agency Trainer fidelity certification fee.
  • Additional costs involved to train others within organization (link to the pdf Agency Trainer Guidelines and Costs)

Contact PFR Director, Jennifer Rees, rees@uw.edu with questions or to learn more about Level 3 Agency Trainer training model.